Brown University, located in Providence, Rhode Island, is one of the eight Ivy League schools and the 7th oldest institution of higher education in the US. They’re known for having a totally open curriculum – that’s right – no core classes. Brown is perfect for students who have a variety of interests or an interesting intersection of interests and want a place to explore those interests freely. But, if you’re here, you probably knew all this, because one (or both!) of your parents went to Brown and now you want to go to Brown too.
How to Get into Dartmouth as an International Student: Strategy
As an international perspective applicant, Dartmouth is a bit of a black box. It’s an Ivy League, and one of the hardest colleges to get into in the United States, but they don’t share much data about the details. While some other Ivies breakdown their admissions data to give applicants insight into the odds, Dartmouth doesn’t. In this post, we’ll demystify Dartmouth and give international applicants the tools they need to stand out for admissions. First, though, let’s talk about what statistics are available.
13 Best Schools without Demonstrated Interest
Demonstrated interest is when schools keep track of, and take into consideration, your level of interest in their school. Whenever you demonstrate interest, like through a tour, emailing your admissions officer, or signing up for an email, schools can track that! However, not all schools do care about demonstrated interest. Today, we’re going to talk about some of the top colleges that don’t take demonstrated interest into consideration.
9 Best Schools with Demonstrated Interest
Demonstrated interest is one of the lesser-asked about parts of the college admissions process, but that’s why we’re here to talk about it. At TKG, we’re all about the details! Demonstrated interest is when a school tracks and takes into consideration the level of interest you’ve demonstrated. We know it’s generally uncool to use the phrase in its own definition, but it’s pretty straightforward.
College Advisor for High Schools Students with Dyslexia
Teenagers with dyslexia face unique challenges during the college application process – on top of the usual stress of essays, deadlines, and standardized tests, they’re also navigating reading and writing difficulties that can make the process feel overwhelming. Applications often demand a level of written communication that doesn’t reflect their true intelligence or potential, which is why having the right support makes such a difference.
Best Summer Strategy for High School Freshman Interested in Business
Just by reading this blog, you are more prepared than many other first-year students. It is never too early to start exploring your academic interests, especially if you hope to attend an elite college. Business is one of the most popular majors, and undergraduate business schools/programs are often among the most competitive to get into. Usually, our students who dream of Haas, Wharton, Ross, Sloan, and more hit the ground running to build a great resume. The summer after freshman year is the perfect time to start getting serious about your goals and academic ambitions. However, it can be hard to know where to start. Thankfully, we are here to help and give you some tips for ensuring your freshman summer puts you on the launch pad for business success.
How to Get into Brown as an International Student: Strategy
Brown is a prestigious university that has become immensely popular with international students for combining top-tier Ivy League academics with a creative community and open curriculum. Unsurprisingly, it’s also extremely difficult to get into. It is hard to gain admission to Brown for any student, but prospective international students face a particularly steep uphill battle. And yet, we regularly support international students from around the world in earning an acceptance letter. In this post, we’re going to give you a peek into our playbook — and how we pull it off.
College Advisor for High School Students with Eating Disorders
Eating disorders affect 4% of teenagers in the US, with the vast majority of those being young women. As a group of illnesses that almost exclusively impacts teens aged 13-18, these disorders can greatly impact the day-to-day and long-term of anyone who struggles with them. While 4% of teens have an official diagnosis, 50% of teenage girls and 30% of teenage boys use unhealthy weight control behaviors – and with that comes the same set of psychological symptoms that make managing an eating disorder particularly hard.
College Advisor for High Schools Students with OCD
Teenagers with OCD face significant challenges during the college application process; the anxiety and rumination over the process itself are tacked onto the intrusive thoughts, compulsions, and obsessions they already have to deal with on a daily basis. The college application process can be especially triggering for students with OCD, which is why they benefit so much from working with us.
How to Get into the University of Chicago as an International Student: Strategy
The University of Chicago is a top-tier American university on par with the vaunted Ivy League and other exceptional schools, like Stanford. It is exceptionally hard to get into as an American, but especially hard to get into if you are an international applicant. Only 16% of undergraduates at the university are international students, which is a lot if you are not an international student but is a tiny slice if you’re one of the thousands of international applicants trying to get into the university. We routinely help international students pull off an acceptance by the University of Chicago. In this post, we’ll give you a peek into our playbook.
College Advisor for High School Students with Depression
When you have depression, getting out of bed or managing basic tasks can feel like a huge burden – now imagine stacking the stress of college on top of that with no assistance. Depression often comes with other mental health struggles, like anxiety, and those conditions can make it uniquely difficult to manage the college process. But, that’s where we come in.
How to Get into Duke as an International Student: Strategy
Duke is a top American research university with amazing academics, stellar resources, and a fabulous campus life and community. They received over 54,000 first-year applications in the 2023-2024 cycle, for a class of 1,739. The acceptance rate was only 5.4%. Getting into Duke is hard for anyone, and every year we support international students in doing just that.
How to Get an Internship as a High School Senior
You’re a high school senior, and you haven’t done an internship yet. Yikes! Now, if you are reading this, we really hope that it is early fall on senior year, or even the summer before, or possibly you’re a junior trying to play for next year. If it is already past the college application deadlines, it is certainly still worth getting an internship to deepen into your interests before college — it just won’t help you get into college. The guidance we give in this post can still help you, though, so don’t stop reading.
College Advisor for High School Students with PTSD
PTSD is hard to deal with, especially for teenagers. Not only have you experienced an awful trauma, but now you have to deal with the aftereffects. Students with PTSD may struggle with hypervigilance, disassociation, fatigue, problems with making decisions, or detachment from their surroundings. These symptoms can make planning for the future really difficult. Now, this doesn’t mean students with PTSD are doomed, it just means they need help and support to make the most of the college prep process.
How to Get into Harvard as an International Student: Strategy
If you are an international student eyeing the Ivy League, we understand the allure. However, if you are considering Harvard there are some things you absolutely must plan for in advance. That is where we can help, as we’ve assisted international students in gaining acceptance to the Ivies, including Harvard, for over a decade.
Stanford University Extracurricular Guide for High School Students
It’s no secret that Stanford is hard to get into. That is a bit of an understatement. With a less than 4% acceptance rate, getting into Stanford is cutthroat. Applicants need to be “the full package” if they hope to get in. But what does that mean? Well, it means you need more than just great grades.
College Advisor for High School Students with Executive Dysfunction or Executive Functioning Disorder
Executive dysfunction, sometimes called executive functioning disorder, is not typically a standalone diagnosis, but rather a set of symptoms that go along with many different mental and physical illnesses. Executive dysfunction is often thought of as a byproduct of ADHD, but it is also seen in kids with depression, anxiety, autism, epilepsy, MS, and kids with repeated concussions and head injuries. What exactly causes executive dysfunction varies, but the impact on students is the same.
How to Get an Internship as a High School Junior
If you are a high school junior and have not had an internship yet, you’re running short on time if you want an internship experience to be part of your college applications. Right now, you have between whatever date you are reading this and the fall of your senior year to identify, secure, and, at least, start a meaningful and relevant internship experience. In this post, we’ll map out how to make it happen. We can also help you make it happen. First, though, why should you get an internship?
College Advisor for High School Students with ADHD
For a lot of kids, ADHD can feel like a blessing and a curse. Many ADHD students are great with big-picture ideas, can problem-solve at a moment’s notice, are incredibly creative, and can hyper-focus on the things they’re really, truly passionate about. On the other hand, ADHD can make it hard for kids to focus on topics they find boring, lead to impulsive behavior that impacts them in and outside of the classroom, cause issues with time management, organization, and attention to detail, and even lead to issues with depression and anxiety.
How to Get an Internship as a High School Sophomore
You’re only a sophomore in high school, but you have big goals. This describes most of the students we work with. However, simply having big goals doesn’t mean that they will work out. In order to get into a top college, you need to begin pursuing your goals early in your high school experience. An internship can be a crucial piece of the puzzle, offering the opportunity to deepen and refine your interests beyond the courses and programs offered at your school.