If you received a waitlist decision from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or MIT, you’re probably pretty disappointed, frustrated, and confused. A waitlist decision is a tough spot to be. It’s not a no, but it’s also very far from a yes. We’re here to help.
How to Transfer to MIT 2024-2025
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or MIT, is widely considered one of the best universities in the world, especially for STEM subjects. It is also one of the hardest universities in the world to get into. You may have experienced this, by being rejected when you applied as a senior in high school, or by simply deciding not to even apply because you didn’t think you even had a chance of getting in. Or it wasn’t even a decision to not apply and MIT wasn’t on your radar in high school. Whatever the reason, if you have decided that MIT is actually where you need to be you are, my friend, in for an uphill battle.
Rejected Early Action from MIT 2024-2025
Deferred by MIT Early Action 2024-2025
How to Write the MIT Application 2024-2025
MIT is one of the preeminent engineering, science, math, and technology universities in the world. Officially called the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. There are about 4,500 undergraduate students, and the acceptance rate for the Class of 2027 was 4.8%. For the Class of 2028, it dropped to 4.5%. The Early Action acceptance rate was only a little bit higher at 5.3%, and the acceptance rate for international students was terrifyingly low at only 2%.
Applying to MIT as a Student Athlete
MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is a powerhouse university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just across the river from Boston and alongside Harvard in both geographic location and caliber. MIT is often cited as the most famous university focused on engineering and science in the country, and is respected globally for being at the top of its game.
Summer Strategy Ideas for MIT
MIT, or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is a world-renowned university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, right alongside Boston, that is best known for cutting-edge technological work and research. This doesn’t just mean building apps and the like, though, at MIT, technology touches every subject and field, from the obvious (say, computer science) to the more obscure (say, the classics). They admit that they are “obsessed with numbers.”
Demonstrated Interest at MIT
While oldheads are out here complaining about TikTok this and ChatGPT that, the truth is that some things about adolescence never change. For example, applying to college has always caused high school seniors a significant amount of stress. And young, eager college hopefuls have always wondered if demonstrating interest — if finding a way to show how much they really care — would make it just a little bit easier to get into their dream school.
The Best Majors at MIT
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or MIT, is one of the most prestigious universities in the country. Grounded in Cambridge, MA, the university has global reach, with graduates leading the fields of engineering, science, mathematics, media, and more around the world. They seek out students who are more than brilliant — they also have to be intent on changing the world. They want applicants who are breaking out of the box, using the resources they have to push beyond what seems possible. Graduates and faculty have won 101 Nobel prizes, there are 61 National Medal of Science recipients in their ranks, and 17 A.M. Turing Award winners.
What To Do If You’ve Waitlisted By MIT 2024
Applying to MIT as an International Student
Applying to college is always a daunting process, but applying to college in the United States as an international student comes with its own unique hurdles. To help you out, we’re breaking down the ins and outs of applying to some of the top American colleges and universities as an international student.
How to Write the MIT Supplement 2023-2024
MIT, or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is one of the most well-respected, intense, and iconic universities for the pursuit of STEM and STEM-adjacent subjects in the world. Located in Cambridge, Massachusetts right alongside Harvard, MIT is one community focused on innovation. The university offers about 4,600 undergraduate students an education rooted in the practical world. Engineering and science are the lenses’ through which they engage with the world, often layered with humanities subjects in non-traditional and unexpected ways. The combination works. MIT has been home to 100 Nobel laureates and 60 National Medal of Science winners. The acceptance rate is a mere 4.8%.
MIT Legacy Strategy
"My student is a legacy at MIT so that will help them get in," is something we hear often from parents of the students we work with… and we always hate to tell them this, but no, actually it won't. The issue with this belief is that MIT admissions office doesn't look at legacy status.
MIT Extracurricular Activities for High School Students
We often hear “My kid has a 4.0, can they get into MIT?” It’s not an easy question to answer, mostly because it’s not the right question to ask. Yes, having perfect grades is the absolute floor if you want to get into MIT, but it’s far from the only thing you need. So when we hear this question, we usually have to respond with a question, “What do their extracurriculars look like?”
How to Write the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Supplement 2022-2023
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), is a small private research university in Boston. Well, not in Boston but near Boston, a.k.a., Cambridge. MIT has about 5,000 undergrads total and is known for, you guessed it, STEM degrees. But being a math and science whiz isn’t all you need to get in, because MIT expects their students to be well-rounded, engaged with their communities, and have a variety of interests. This is reflected in their acceptance rate, 3.96%, which makes it more selective than almost every Ivy and only .01% less selective than Stanford.
MIT Legacy Guide
Parents ask us all the time about legacy admissions. Usually, they help… however that’s not always true. Some schools simply don’t consider legacy admissions. And if you are an MIT grad whose kid is hoping to go, legacy really isn’t going to help them. This can shock a lot of parents so we wanted to break down a bit about why this is and what it means for your student.
9 Unique Programs at MIT
When applying to elite colleges, you want to make sure you’re doing your research on what they have to offer. Not only will this help tell you if the school is a good fit for you, but it will help when you go to write your supplemental essays in the fall. Schools want to see specificity. You want to study engineering? Prove it! What kind of engineering? What kind of research? Which professors? What labs?? Thankfully, we’ve come up with this guide to steer you in the right direction when it comes to those deep dives into the Bulletins.