college consultant

College Advisor for High Schools Students with Dyslexia

Teenagers with dyslexia face unique challenges during the college application process – on top of the usual stress of essays, deadlines, and standardized tests, they’re also navigating reading and writing difficulties that can make the process feel overwhelming. Applications often demand a level of written communication that doesn’t reflect their true intelligence or potential, which is why having the right support makes such a difference.

College Advisor for High School Students with Eating Disorders

Eating disorders affect 4% of teenagers in the US, with the vast majority of those being young women. As a group of illnesses that almost exclusively impacts teens aged 13-18, these disorders can greatly impact the day-to-day and long-term of anyone who struggles with them. While 4% of teens have an official diagnosis, 50% of teenage girls and 30% of teenage boys use unhealthy weight control behaviors – and with that comes the same set of psychological symptoms that make managing an eating disorder particularly hard.

College Advisor for High Schools Students with OCD

Teenagers with OCD face significant challenges during the college application process; the anxiety and rumination over the process itself are tacked onto the intrusive thoughts, compulsions, and obsessions they already have to deal with on a daily basis. The college application process can be especially triggering for students with OCD, which is why they benefit so much from working with us.

College Advisor for High School Students with Depression

When you have depression, getting out of bed or managing basic tasks can feel like a huge burden – now imagine stacking the stress of college on top of that with no assistance. Depression often comes with other mental health struggles, like anxiety, and those conditions can make it uniquely difficult to manage the college process. But, that’s where we come in.

College Advisor for High School Students with Executive Dysfunction or Executive Functioning Disorder

Executive dysfunction, sometimes called executive functioning disorder, is not typically a standalone diagnosis, but rather a set of symptoms that go along with many different mental and physical illnesses. Executive dysfunction is often thought of as a byproduct of ADHD, but it is also seen in kids with depression, anxiety, autism, epilepsy, MS, and kids with repeated concussions and head injuries. What exactly causes executive dysfunction varies, but the impact on students is the same.

College Advisor for High School Students with ADHD

For a lot of kids, ADHD can feel like a blessing and a curse. Many ADHD students are great with big-picture ideas, can problem-solve at a moment’s notice, are incredibly creative, and can hyper-focus on the things they’re really, truly passionate about. On the other hand, ADHD can make it hard for kids to focus on topics they find boring, lead to impulsive behavior that impacts them in and outside of the classroom, cause issues with time management, organization, and attention to detail, and even lead to issues with depression and anxiety.

College Counselor for 9th Grade

Starting high school is an exciting yet overwhelming time. For 9th graders, college might seem far off, but the truth is, the earlier students start thinking about their academic and extracurricular path, the better prepared they’ll be. That doesn’t mean stressing over applications now – it means laying the groundwork so that when the time comes, you have a compelling, authentic story to tell.

College Counselor for Ivy League

This year, Columbia admitted 3.9% of students who applied. Yale accepted 4.35% of students, Brown accepted 5%, and Dartmouth just 6%. Getting into the Ivy League used to be pretty straightforward—if you had the grades, the test scores, and a solid leadership position in a club or sports team, you were in the game. Now, students need to really stand out to have a shot.

What Is a College Consultant?

During the fall 2021 application cycle, the average acceptance rate for Ivy League schools was just under 6%. Applying to college has become incredibly competitive and as universities drive down their acceptance rates by increasing marketing campaigns, high school students are now in completely uncharted territory. And as the adage goes, “high tides raise all ships.” In other words, schools that used to be considered “safeties” for top contenders are also becoming increasingly competitive. Having a perfect GPA, excellent test scores, and being president of the student body used to almost guarantee admission into one of the world’s best schools. No longer.  

Best College Consultants for Seniors

It’s senior year, and you haven’t gotten started on your applications. You start to panic, thinking to yourself, “Oh no, oh man, how am I going to get all this work done?? I haven’t even started on my essays??!! I am going to go insane. I am going to become the teenage Joker.” Ok first of all, it’s going to be okay. Calm down. You’re not going to become the teenage Joker, because you’re here and we’re going to help.

College Consultants for Juniors 

It’s junior year. Your parents are asking you what your plans are after high school. Grandma wants to know if you still want to be a doctor. Your uncle keeps asking if you’re thinking of applying to his alma mater. Your friend asks if you’ve already started writing your essays. “Should I already be started on those??” you ask yourself. Everywhere you turn, it’s all about college all the time. And you might not even know where to start. That’s where we come in.

College Consultants for Sophomores 

A lot of parents wonder when their child should get started with the college application process, and we’re here to tell you it’s right now. Students who get a jumpstart on the admissions process are not only better prepared when it’s time to submit, but students who work with us often feel more confident about college, what they want to study, and are excited by their school options. We get that it can feel overwhelming to begin preparing for a deadline that’s 3 years away, but that’s why we’re here – to help simplify the process and make your applications the best they can be.

 Private College Counselor NYC

We love New York and not in the I heart NY tacky shirt way. Ok, maybe a little in the tacky t-shirt way. While our college admissions consultants work remotely, we are from New York. Our founder, many of our counselors, and a ton of our students come from NYC and we are proud of that. You don’t have to be in New York to use our company, but if you are looking for a college counselor in New York, we have you covered.

College Consultants Near Me

Most students start their search with a simple four words, “college consultants near me.” Maybe you typed that yourself to get here. Every town in America from Brentwood to New York has a handful of local counselors that will come up when you search this. We however don’t think it’s the best thing to search and it's because of the phrase “near me.” Now you might be wondering, “why shouldn’t I search ‘near me?’”

Best College Consultants for International Students

We love working with international students. We get students every year who want to come to America. Other countries have their own higher education systems so we know when students choose to come to America for college, they are specifically driven and come with their unique reasons to want to go to school in America. However, when it comes to international students many think they need a counselor that lives in the same country as them and we always need to push against that. If you are an international student looking to come to school in America, you should be looking for an American counselor.

What Does an Independent College Counselor Do?

Applying to college can seem daunting. For years, headlines have reported that college admissions rates are consistently plummeting, laying bare a landscape—once competitive—that can now feel impenetrable. Even schools outside of the Ivy League have been recording single-digit acceptance rates. While some students feel tremendous pressure to perform, particularly in their junior years, most can find success with some foresight. We strive to support our students in making the application process as manageable as possible, by providing a clear strategy tailored to every students’ progress, interests, and objectives.

When to Hire a College Consultant

For those who choose to do it, hiring a college consultant is a really important step in the college admissions process. For nearly every high schooler who embarks on it, the application process is completely new. A college consultant is your guide to unlocking all of the unknowns and helping you map out a realistic and strong plan to achieve your goal of getting into your top choice schools. So, when is the right time to hire someone?