It’s no secret that Stanford is hard to get into. That is a bit of an understatement. With a less than 4% acceptance rate, getting into Stanford is cutthroat. Applicants need to be “the full package” if they hope to get in. But what does that mean? Well, it means you need more than just great grades.
What to Do if You've Been Waitlisted by Stanford 2025
If you are on the receiving end of a waitlist offer by Stanford, you aren’t alone. We know that isn’t exactly reassuring, but with a first-year acceptance rate of only 4% nothing about Stanford is reassuring. But that doesn’t mean that you should give up all hope of moving into a dorm at Stanford in a few months. Before we get into what comes next, let’s look at the numbers.
How to Transfer to Stanford 2024-2025
Rejected Restrictive Early Action from Stanford 2024-2025
Stanford is now one of the hardest universities to gain access to in the world, second only, in the United States, to Harvard in acceptance rate. So, don’t beat yourself up if you were rejected Restrictive Early Action. We know it’s hard not to, but really — Stanford is a reach for everyone. The overall acceptance rate is now less than 4%. This is wild. Imagine being in a gym with 99 other people waiting on the sidelines, and only four of you all will get to play in the game. When visualized, these odds are insane. That doesn’t mean a rejection from Stanford doesn’t hurt, though, especially if it’s a school that you’ve been dreaming of for a while. When you’re ambitious enough to apply to Stanford, you’re also typically confident enough to believe you will…or, at least, will maybe…get in. But you didn’t, so now what?
The Best Majors at Stanford University
Stanford University was founded with a societal purpose. From the beginning, the school was designed for the common good. Today, it is regarded as one of the best universities in the world. Rooted in the San Francisco Bay Area, Stanford is surrounded by innovation, thought leadership, and technological advancement. Not only is it in the mix of all that — it is a foundational part of it.
Deferred by Stanford Restrictive Early Action 2024-2025
Stanford University is widely recognized as one of the best universities in the world, and they only offer one early application option. Restrictive Early Action at Stanford is extremely competitive. All admissions options to Stanford are insanely competitive, to be honest, and now you’re on the receiving end of one of the most frustrating possible outcomes: a deferral.
How to Write the Stanford Supplement 2024-2025
Stanford is a renowned research university in California that is considered to be on par with the east coast’s Ivy League. There are a little under 8,000 undergraduate students from more than 75 countries, representing some of the best and the brightest the world has to offer across every subject and arena. Engineers and math and science-brains love Stanford, but they excel at so much more than just those STEM subjects. The acceptance rate is 3-4% for standard first-year applicants, and about to triple that, up to the low-teens, for legacy applicants who have at least one parent who attended.
How to Get into Stanford
Stanford University is a private research university in Stanford, California. With one of the largest campuses in the US, Stanford watched Silicon Valley grow around it. Fittingly, Stanford is known for its connections to and funding for start-ups, and many companies have been founded on campus and by alumni.
Summer Strategy Ideas for Stanford
Stanford is an elite research university founded in California with a mission to change the world. It’s one of the most competitive undergraduate universities in the world, and Stanford doesn’t get all that much easier once you get in. The 7,841 undergraduate students at Stanford know that they have to love working hard to thrive. They represent 76 countries and 49 states, and have access to 600+ student groups and 81 undergraduate student residences (the vast majority of Stanford students live on campus).
Applying to Stanford as an International Student
Stanford University in Stanford, California is one of the most prestigious, and most difficult to get into, research universities in the world. The institution is passionate about educating students for the purpose of changing the world, and they take that mission very seriously. Home to a little over 8,000 undergraduates, Stanford is extremely popular for students interesting in emerging technologies, innovation, and the health care sciences, research, and technology fields. They also love seeing fields overlap and engage, and budget more than a billion dollars to fund research projects that push boundaries and challenge expectations.
What to Do if You've Been Waitlisted by Stanford 2024
Stanford is a highly, highly competitive school. While Stanford doesn’t release their “official” admissions numbers, they do release the raw data in the Common Data Set, so we know that in 2022, 56,378 students applied to Stanford and that they accepted 2,075 of those students. That’s a 3.6% acceptance rate!
Deferred by Stanford — Now What? (2023-24)
You got the news, and it isn’t what you wanted. Stanford deferred your early application to the regular decision pool, and now you have to wait to see what happens and submit a bunch of applications you probably weren’t planning to send. It’s frustrating and bruising, we know, but after you take a moment to wallow in your disappointment, there’s work to be done — and we are here to help.
Rejected from Stanford Early Decision 2023
Being rejected is not fun. You worked extremely hard to be a qualified applicant. You studied for tests, labored over homework, and participated in extracurriculars while some kids watched TV. We know you wanted to be done and we know this hurts. And we want to remind you that it’s not personal. College admissions are incredibly competitive. WAY more competitive than they were back in your parent’s day. In fact, Stanford’s acceptance rate hovers around 4% these days!!! So, first thing first: you need to understand that this isn’t a reflection of who you are and additionally, that you’re going to be okay. Here are some tips about what to do next:
How to Write the Stanford University Supplement 2023-2024
Stanford University, located in Stanford, California (very creative) is one of the most competitive and sought-after universities in the country. You probably knew that, though. Stanford famously does not post their acceptance rates, but they do put out a Common Data Set, so we know that last year the acceptance rate dropped to 3.86%. Less than 4%! With a super competitive acceptance rate like that, you don’t just need perfect grades, scores, and impressive extracurriculars. You also need supplements that stand out from the crowd.
Stanford Legacy Strategy
“Will being a legacy help them get into Stanford?” It’s a question we hear all the time from parents. It feels like it should be an easy “yes or no” answer, but it’s actually a little more complicated than that, especially for top schools like Stanford. Since it's a complex question, we wanted to break down the ins and outs of Stanford legacy admissions and what your legacy needs to get in.
What to do if you're waitlisted by Stanford 2023
Stanford University isn’t just one of the best schools in the world, it’s also one of the hardest schools on planet earth to get into. The acceptance rate is minuscule, and applicants are competing against the best students in the world. With an acceptance rate of only 3.68%, Harvard is the only US undergraduate college with a lower acceptance rate.
Transferring to Stanford 2023
When one of our students gets into Stanford, it rarely surprises us. Before we agree to help a student apply to Stanford, we make sure it’s possible that they could get in. With a minuscule regular first-year acceptance rate below 5%, we don’t want stressed-out teenagers wasting their time. If we’re working with a student on a Stanford application, it’s because they are genuinely qualified to get in — which is to say, profoundly exceptional.
Stanford Deferral Rate
You’re a brave soul — you applied to Stanford. Getting into Stanford is tough regardless of what you’ve accomplished, what your grades look like, or whether you invented a new flavor of ice cream. After the Stanford acceptance rate rose (a tiny amount) in 2020, they did an about-face in 2021 with a record low acceptance rate of only 3.95%. Despite this up and down, we have no reason to believe it will be easier to get into Stanford this year.
Regular Decision to Stanford
Stanford has one of the lowest acceptance rates out there. Because of this, we get a lot of questions about Stanford from students and parents alike. For the Class of 2025, Stanford had an overall acceptance rate of 3.9%. That is already very low, but there is more to this story. The overall acceptance rate is a combination of early acceptances and regular decision acceptances.
How to Write the Stanford University Supplement 2022-2023
Stanford University doesn’t need much of an introduction, but we’ll do it anyways. Located in (shocker) Stanford, California, Stanford is one of the top colleges in well, almost everything. They famously like to claim they don’t publish admission data but you can look at their Common Data Set to find the raw numbers. Last cycle, Stanford touted a 3.94% acceptance rate, one of the lowest in the biz.