How to Write the Haverford College Supplement 2024-2025

Haverford College is a small, private liberal arts college located right outside of Philadelphia. They’re a part of the Tri-College Consortium along with Bryn Mawr and Swarthmore, and they’re in the Quaker Consortium along with UPenn, which means as a Haverford student, you have access to classes at all of these schools. Haverford has also gotten increasingly competitive over the years, with last year’s acceptance rate at a competitive 12.9%.

Haverford has two supplemental questions, but before we begin, you need to read (and study) the Haverford Honor Code. Seriously, you should probably even print it out and take notes. Haverford takes their Honor Code crazy serious, but it also offers you a lot of autonomy as a future student. As a former Quaker institution, the code is heavily influenced by Quaker philosophy, and you will have to answer a question about the Honor Code. Additionally, we will say that Haverford’s website is full of great information and guidance. They practically tell you exactly what they want and need from you, so please, please make sure to read through it all. With that, let’s get started.

Question 1: Tell us about a topic or issue that sparks your curiosity and gets you intellectually excited. How do you hope to engage with this topic or issue at Haverford? (Please limit your response to 150-200 words.)

Haverford wants to know what you want to study and why you want to study it at their school. This is a classic Why essay in a slightly different outfit. For this question, it won’t be enough to speak generally about Haverford’s offerings, so it’s time to do some research. Oh, and also, you cannot apply undecided! You can change your mind once you get to college, but think about what you’re most passionate about academically right now and zero in on that.

With your major in mind, zoom in. What about this major is cool and exciting to you? Is there a particular time period in history you love, a specific political theory that keeps you hooked, a microorganism you could study for hours? You want to take the Haverford admissions officer reading your essay down the rabbit hole with you! Show them that you love this thing, and next you’ll show them how you’ll love it at Haverford.

You want to include evidence of the research you’ve done into the program you’re applying to at Haverford, so find at least two upper-level classes in the course catalog (tip: usually they’re 300s level or above) and a professor you want to study with. This is a short supplement, so you may not have space for much more, but if you do, there might be a specific lab or fellowship that you want to take part in, too.

Question 2: We have highlighted for you some of the values that shape the Haverford community. What are some of the values you seek in your next community? How do Haverford’s values, as demonstrated through our Honor Code, resonate with you?

As you think about how to answer this question, you might draw from how you have been influenced by other communities you have been a part of, experiences you may have had within your communities, or opportunities you have had to shape or even change your communities. (Please limit your response to 150-200 words.)

This question is like, half as long as the prompt allows you to write, which means you need to read it carefully. Go read the Honor Code, and pick something from it that really inspires you or connects with your goals. Haverford needs to see that you buy into what they’re selling, and if you don’t buy into it? Well, probably not the school for you.

You want to zone in on that one thing in the Honor Code that you like, and you want to think about your personality and your values in combination with that. Maybe you really connected with Student Agency, and you helped pioneer a program at your high school that allows students to take independent study. You would then, very briefly, tell them that story. The story should show how you’ve exemplified Haverford’s Honor Code in your life before ever stepping foot on campus.

The next part of your essay should connect to Haverford. What communities would you be a part of? How would you live the Honor Code once you’re there? How are you going to come into campus an already symbiotic member of the team? Haverford is looking at this essay to determine personality fit, so make sure you’re appealing to what they want in a student. You might need to do some research into campus life, but it would be worth your time. 

Haverford is a great liberal arts school with a really unique approach to the student Honor Code. If reading these questions gets you excited about Haverford, then you should go for it. Make sure to do lots of research on what they have to offer you, both academically and extracurricular-ly. Best of luck!

Need help with your Haverford app? We got you, reach out today.